Monday, February 4, 2013

Spicing Things Up

Trying New Spices a Bit At a Time!

It can be intimidating to try recipes with new spices and it can be expensive to buy multiple spices too!.  Especially since they usually come in pretty large amounts, even if your recipe only calls for a teaspoon or so.  I found a solution - there is a brand called Spicely that comes in nice small boxes!  I buy them at Whole Foods.

And, the bonus is that Spicely brand offers Certified Organic and non-irradiated!  It is VERY, very hard to find spices that are not radiated!  Virtually all spices are treated with radiation to extend the shelf life longer while ensuring that no bacteria can grow. 

As long as you keep your spices dry and use them within a reasonable amount of time, they will not grow bacteria.  Spices do not need radiation!  It's overkill... heh heh.  Get it?  Plus, who wants to eat food with radiation? Not me.

Another little tip -- spices and herbs lose potency and flavor over time.  If you have jars of spices sitting for a year or more, they are not at their peak flavor anymore.  It's better to buy smaller amounts of spices, unless you go through them very fast!

I hate trying to find spices in my cupboard or drawers.  And they usually take up way too much space.  So I found a creative, easy, affordable, space-saving way to store these cute little boxes of spices!  I took a roll of self-adhesive Velcro and stuck strips onto the inside of my cabinet door.  Then I just cut a little square to put on the back of each box. 

Now I have all my drawer space back AND I can easily alphabetize my spices for easy access!  Plus it's super affordable.

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